How to Find Kindle Lending Library Books on Amazon
* * * Tablet Covers Currently Priced As Low As ONE CENT on Amazon, featuring quality covers for iPad, Kindle, Paperwhite, Fire and more. Advertisers make it possible for Digital Media Mom to bring you great content each day for free, so thanks for your support. * * * Where IS The Prime Kindle Lending Library, Anyway?! While the Prime Kindle Lending Library IS a thing, and one free borrow per month from it IS a benefit of Amazon Prime membership, Amazon doesn’t provide any handy links to pages that gather all available Lending Library books in one place so you can easily browse them by genre, the way they do for other Kindle books. Amazon’s Help topics on the subject aren’t too helpful either, since they just tell you to browse books on your Kindle or Fire, click through to the product pages of any you like, and if…