What’s Loot Crate?
Loot Crate is a monthly subscription service that delivers a box filled with theme-of-the-month awesomeness to your door each month for $13.37 + S&H (which is about $6 anywhere in the continental U.S., though they also ship to other countries), and the contents are guaranteed to have a minimum retail value of $40. Even though it’s a subscription service, there’s no minimum subscription period and it’s very easy to cancel your subscription at any time—the Loot Crate site’s FAQ page has a direct link to their cancellation page.
Digital Media Mom Takes One For The Team
This is Digital Media Mom, where I am all about getting my money’s worth and would never personally recommend a product or service that doesn’t meet my very high standards for quality and value. I’ve put up my own money to become a subscriber so I would be able to tell you myself whether or not this service lives up to the hype, and to decide whether or not I could feel good about becoming a Loot Crate affiliate. Well, having received my first Loot Crate, all I can say is: YES, ON BOTH COUNTS!
Check out everything that came in February’s “Play” -themed Loot Crate (click or tap on image to view an enlarged version in a new tab or window):
Here’s the full breakdown, including links to retail prices I found for the same items (or comparable, in the case of Loot Crate exclusives) online:
Loot Crate -exclusive Superfight deck – these normally sell for $15 each, but obviously this LootCrate-exclusive deck isn’t available for retail purchase.
Ready Player One Paperback – listed for $8.68 on Amazon
Kidrobot Mini Munny Diy Vinyl Art Figure – listed for $32 on Amazon, for a version that doesn’t come with the pens that were included with this Lootcrate-exclusive one.
Hexbug Ant – listed for $10.68 on Amazon.
Pac-Man Game Cart Mini-Poster – I couldn’t find a comparable item online, so I can’t give a value for this item.
Rock, Paper Scissors Dice – listed at $4.75 on Amazon for a set that doesn’t come with the little drawstring bag Lootcrate packed them in.
Firefly Online Game Premium Ship – since I don’t play this game I can’t say for certain what the premium ship upgrade would cost, but based on other games I do play I’d estimate no more than a buck or two.
Limited edition Loot Crate button with this month’s Play theme – (no comparable value item since this is a limited edition button that was made exclusively to ship in Loot Crate boxes, but buttons like these sell for $1 each at Hot Topic)
Drumroll, Please! The Total Value Of This Month’s Loot Crate is…
The total value of the merchandise in this month’s Loot Crate is over $70!
As an added bonus, in keeping with the Play theme for this month’s crate, everything came packed in a box designed to be opened up and used as a game board with the Rock, Paper Scissors dice and some punch-out game pieces that are printed in the monthly guide to the Crate’s contents.
Click here to sign up for Loot Crate, and start getting your own monthly box of awesomeness!
Note that Digital Media Mom is a Loot Crate affiliate site, meaning that the site gets a small referral fee on new signups through its links to Loot Crate. However, the personal endorsement given above is the sincere opinion of site founder/owner April L. Hamilton, and is not dependent on any form of compensation from Loot Crate.