Did you know that MP3s you buy from Amazon are totally iTunes-compatible, and totally DRM-free? DRM-free means no restrictions on copying to all your various devices, no restrictions on backing up, and no problem using these MP3s on both Apple-brand and non-Apple devices that can play MP3s. That means you can play ’em on your iPod, iPhone, Android phone or tablet, Kindle Fire, PC, Mac, or any other device that can play MP3 files.
And did you also know that Amazon kicks off each new month in its MP3 Store by discounting 100 MP3 albums and posting that list to the “deals” page of the MP3 store? I’ve been posting about this list each month for over a year at the Kindle Fire on Kindle Nation Daily site, so I can tell you true: every month’s list has more than a few of those “essential” albums that always turn up on annual lists of the best or most important albums of all time. It’s a great way to affordably backfill your digital music collection as you make the switch from CDs to MP3s.
For example, this month’s list includes such must-haves as:
Young Americans – David Bowie (4/5 stars)
Licensed to Ill – The Beastie Boys (4.5/5 stars)
The Sound of Music 45th Anniversary Edition (4.5/5 stars)
Pet Sounds 40th Anniversary Edition – The Beach Boys (4.5/5 stars)
Avalon – Roxy Music (5/5 stars)
The Number of the Beast – Iron Maiden (4.5/5 stars)
London Calling – The Clash (4.5/5 stars)
There are many, MANY more great albums on this month’s list, just like there are on EVERY month’s list.Click here to browse the rest of the list for June, then set yourself a reminder, mark your calendar, or do whatever needs doing so you’ll begin each new month with a look-see at Amazon’s monthly list of 100 $5 MP3 Albums.