Tag: smart home

Love My Echo’s Alexa 101: For Anyone Giving Or Getting An Alexa Device

This is a cross-posting of Love My Echo‘s Alexa 101 post, which I posted to that site on 12/20/16. There will be MANY more owners of Alexa-powered devices by the end of this month and it occurs to me that there are a few essential bits of information that most Alexa device owners find helpful, and I should probably pass them on this week: for both the givers and recipients. Alexa Givers 1. Be sure to deregister any Alexa devices you’ve purchased from your own Amazon account. Unless you checked that little “this is a gift” box when you ordered it, that Alexa device was automatically registered to your Amazon account. If it’s still registered to your Amazon account, the recipient of your gift won’t be able to register it to their own account. Of course, if you’re intending to run the device for the recipient (e.g., an aging or disabled person), then…